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The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 891

She was stunned. Goosebumps appeared all over her body.
“Colby Withers, what the heck are you playing at? Isn’t Cheryl the one you like? Everyone in university knows about how you’ve been chasing her for five years and how you liked her for those years. You should be confessing your love to her. Why are you confessing to me?”
Cheryl was also taken aback. This was not the same as what she had imagined.
But very quickly, she rejoiced in her friend’s misfortune and said while smiling at Phoebe, “You said it yourself just now, that if it were you, you would agree. Hurry up and accept him, then!”
Alex also chipped in, “That’s right, you were boasting all about him just now, praising him up to the sky and how there was no one better than him on earth, and that he is a hundred times better than me. Such a good chance for a relationship here… You shouldn’t waste it, lest you be struck down by lightning for forsaking such a waste!”
“You… I…” Phoebe was furious, but she was also speechless.
Alex said, “Enough with that you-me business. Quickly agreeing is the important thing here… Oh, or was it all just nonsense that you spouted just now? Was it just to push Cheryl into a pit? Aren’t you Cheryl’s best friend? Sigh, so it turns out that you’re the kind of best friend who cockblocks everything, scams her, and takes everything for yourself. It’s not worth having a best friend like this!”
“You… You asshole! I won’t scam Cheryl like that! You’re the scammer here!”
“If you’re not one, then you should agree to his proposal. Look at how sincere the guy is, and how beautiful the flowers are. If you pass up this chance, who knows if you’ll be able to receive such beautiful flowers in the future?”
The words that Alex said made Colby feel like he had found a good confidant and friend. What a good person!
If he was able to get Phoebe, then Alex would be equivalent to his matchmaker, and he would be sure to give him a big gift for this!
Phoebe’s father was a magistrate in Michigan!
With such a senior man behind him, he wouldn’t need to struggle his entire lifetime.
Phoebe felt like she couldn’t beat Alex at all, and she was so angry now, unable to even speak like normal. Finally, she turned to Colby and said, “Colby, don’t go out of your mind. The person you like is Cheryl. How can you just shift your feelings like that? Aren’t you a disappointment like this? Yes, I said that you were great because you had a passion for Cheryl. But to suddenly confess to me like this, I’m unable to accept you.”
Unexpectedly, Colby said, “Phoebe, I’ll be honest with you. I deceived you in the past. Actually, the one I’ve liked, and always have liked, was always you! Chasing Cheryl was just a strategy of mine… I was afraid that you would reject me if I directly pursued you. So, I used this strategy to get closer to you, to be more familiar with you, so that I could see you every day. Didn’t you realize this? With my family background, why didn’t I manage to chase after Chery? That’s because I couldn’t!”
Phoebe was stunned.
Cheryl was also stunned, but it quickly turned into relief.
She turned to Alex and said, “It really scared me just now, I thought… So, it turns out that I was just a tool!”
Alex whispered in her ear, “From what I see, it’s definitely his eyesight that has a problem. Compared to you, Phoebe is like ten times worse. You’re way better than her.”
Alex was deliberately belittling Phoebe.
But in Cheryl’s ears, it simply sounded like the words of some intoxicated lover. She couldn’t help but lean closer to Alex. Their heads turned at the same time, and their lips brushed against each other lightly.
It was as if they were struck by a wave of static…
Cheryl shuddered from that little contact, and she bowed her head in embarrassment.
At the same time, others watching from the side had also started cheering.
“Accept him!”
“Just accept him! Such a handsome boy, it’ll be a shame to miss a chance like this!”
“It’s rare to have such love in the world!”
Being forced into a corner, Phoebe didn’t know what to do, and she looked towards Cheryl for help.
However, Alex suddenly grabbed Cheryl’s wrist and said, “Oh no, Cheryl, if we continue to stay here, your friend may feel embarrassed to agree. This bro had pretended to like you for so long before this, after all. I think it’s better if we leave to give them a chance.”

The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 891

The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 891

She was stunned. Goosebumps appeared all over her body. “Colby Withers, what the heck are you playing at? Isn’t Cheryl the one you like? Everyone in university knows about how you’ve been chasing her for five years and how you liked her for those years. You should be confessing your love to her. Why are you confessing to me?” Cheryl was also taken aback. This was not the same as what she had imagined. But very quickly, she rejoiced in her friend’s misfortune and said while smiling at Phoebe, “You said it yourself just now, that if it were you, you would agree. Hurry up and accept him, then!” Alex also chipped in, “That’s right, you were boasting all about him just now, praising him up to the sky and how there was no one better than him on earth, and that he is a hundred times better than me. Such a good chance for a relationship here… You shouldn’t waste it, lest you be struck down by lightning for forsaking such a waste!” “You… I…” Phoebe was furious, but she was also speechless. Alex said, “Enough with that you-me business. Quickly agreeing is the important thing here… Oh, or was it all just nonsense that you spouted just now? Was it just to push Cheryl into a pit? Aren’t you Cheryl’s best friend? Sigh, so it turns out that you’re the kind of best friend who cockblocks everything, scams her, and takes everything for yourself. It’s not worth having a best friend like this!” “You… You asshole! I won’t scam Cheryl like that! You’re the scammer here!” “If you’re not one, then you should agree to his proposal. Look at how sincere the guy is, and how beautiful the flowers are. If you pass up this chance, who knows if you’ll be able to receive such beautiful flowers in the future?” The words that Alex said made Colby feel like he had found a good confidant and friend. What a good person! If he was able to get Phoebe, then Alex would be equivalent to his matchmaker, and he would be sure to give him a big gift for this! Phoebe’s father was a magistrate in Michigan! With such a senior man behind him, he wouldn’t need to struggle his entire lifetime. Phoebe felt like she couldn’t beat Alex at all, and she was so angry now, unable to even speak like normal. Finally, she turned to Colby and said, “Colby, don’t go out of your mind. The person you like is Cheryl. How can you just shift your feelings like that? Aren’t you a disappointment like this? Yes, I said that you were great because you had a passion for Cheryl. But to suddenly confess to me like this, I’m unable to accept you.” Unexpectedly, Colby said, “Phoebe, I’ll be honest with you. I deceived you in the past. Actually, the one I’ve liked, and always have liked, was always you! Chasing Cheryl was just a strategy of mine… I was afraid that you would reject me if I directly pursued you. So, I used this strategy to get closer to you, to be more familiar with you, so that I could see you every day. Didn’t you realize this? With my family background, why didn’t I manage to chase after Chery? That’s because I couldn’t!” “What?!” Phoebe was stunned. Cheryl was also stunned, but it quickly turned into relief. She turned to Alex and said, “It really scared me just now, I thought… So, it turns out that I was just a tool!” Alex whispered in her ear, “From what I see, it’s definitely his eyesight that has a problem. Compared to you, Phoebe is like ten times worse. You’re way better than her.” Alex was deliberately belittling Phoebe. But in Cheryl’s ears, it simply sounded like the words of some intoxicated lover. She couldn’t help but lean closer to Alex. Their heads turned at the same time, and their lips brushed against each other lightly. It was as if they were struck by a wave of static… Cheryl shuddered from that little contact, and she bowed her head in embarrassment. At the same time, others watching from the side had also started cheering. “Accept him!” “Just accept him! Such a handsome boy, it’ll be a shame to miss a chance like this!” “It’s rare to have such love in the world!” Being forced into a corner, Phoebe didn’t know what to do, and she looked towards Cheryl for help. However, Alex suddenly grabbed Cheryl’s wrist and said, “Oh no, Cheryl, if we continue to stay here, your friend may feel embarrassed to agree. This bro had pretended to like you for so long before this, after all. I think it’s better if we leave to give them a chance.”


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