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The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 791

Could the pillar be eaten?
Of course not! This was common knowledge!
However, the head in the energy core was adamant on consuming the pillar. If Alex Rockefeller didn’t let it,
it’d hop around like a naughty child giving Alex a headache. But he looked carefully at the very dated wooden pillar in front of him. It was blackwith tinges of yellow, and
it had a lot of cracked grains.
In fact, there were even some oil stains on it. It really was an ordinary pillar. Alex concluded that he wouldn’t look at the pillar anymore. Instead, he turned around and intended to leave. But the bead in his energy core suddenly emanated an extremely strong mental power. It felt as if a needle
pricked his mind. “Ouch!” Alex cried in pain. Not only did it startle Xyla Stoermer, who was beside him, but it also shocked the female sales assistant who
approached the two of them with tea.
Her hands trembled, and the tray in her hands flipped over, causing the
teacups to fall to the ground. Many customers in House of Treasures glanced over unhappily. “Mr. Rockefeller, what happened to you?” Xyla quickly asked.
The pricking sensation went away in an instant. But Alex had never felt this much pain in his life. It was as if his soul was being torn apart. He quickly placed
one hand on the pillar.
“It’s nothing… I suddenly felt a strong connection to this pillar’s history. I recalled the days of blood and fire
when enemies invaded this place, and I feel very sentimental,” Alex said. Immediately, Xyla and the sales assistant looked at him as if they were looking at a monkey who could speak. The sales assistant, in particular, must have thought of Alex as a psychotic and mentally challenged person. “Mr. Rockefeller, why don’t we head upstairs and look around. The good stuff is all upstairs,” Xyla said
“I wonder, is this wooden pillar for sale?” Alex scratched his head and asked the assistant. As soon as Alex asked the question, the female sales assistant seemed annoyed. “Sir, if you keep making jokes
like that, I’ll have to get security to throw you out. This is a load bearing pillar in House of Treasures. If you
want to buy it, doesn’t that mean you want to tear the entire place down?” Xyla had a very odd expression on her face too. Ever since Alex walked into this building, he’d been acting awfully strange.
But Alex didn’t have a choice. Otherwise, that darned bead might repeat what it did earlier. It was too much
for Alex to handle. “I’ll buy it for whatever it costs,” Alex said determinedly.
The female sales assistant’s facial expression turned dark. She glared angrily at Alex for a second. “Security, come here, quick. Someone’s causing a scene here,” she shouted.
At the same time, the bead’s consciousness was getting stronger, and it was bumping around in Alex’s energy
core. Alex felt as if it might break through his upper energy core and fly out. This gave Alex a fright. If it
really came out, not only would it destroy his energy core, but his head might get hurt too. Alex made up his mind in an instant. “Hey! You b*tch. What the hell is going on? You’re running a business, and I’m here to buy stuff. You
actually called the security to throw me out. How dare you?” Alex yelled. As he spoke, he punched the pillar angrily. Boom!
Alex intentionally broke the load-bearing pillar. The wooden pillar with a diameter of half a meter fractured
from the center. Right after that, the ceiling supported by this wooden pillar began to crack and countless stones began to rain
down. A huge chunk of the ceiling couldn’t bear its weight any longer, and it came crashing down forcefully. When the female sales assistant saw this happening, she screamed in terror as her knees went weak. Her basic
human instincts to run away didn’t even kick in.
Meanwhile, the three security guards summoned by the sales assistant were also dumbfounded when they
witnessed this scene as they had rushed over.
“What’s going on?” Alex grabbed the female sales assistant and Xyla before dashing out of the way at lightning speed to avoid the
falling ceiling.
At the same time, the bead in his energy core was vibrating even more intensely. Alex could
see an irregularly shaped stone popping out from the cracked spot on the load bearing pillar. The essence that emanated from it was too dense to describe with words.

The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 791

The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 791

Could the pillar be eaten? Of course not! This was common knowledge! However, the head in the energy core was adamant on consuming the pillar. If Alex Rockefeller didn’t let it, it’d hop around like a naughty child giving Alex a headache. But he looked carefully at the very dated wooden pillar in front of him. It was blackwith tinges of yellow, and it had a lot of cracked grains. In fact, there were even some oil stains on it. It really was an ordinary pillar. Alex concluded that he wouldn’t look at the pillar anymore. Instead, he turned around and intended to leave. But the bead in his energy core suddenly emanated an extremely strong mental power. It felt as if a needle pricked his mind. “Ouch!” Alex cried in pain. Not only did it startle Xyla Stoermer, who was beside him, but it also shocked the female sales assistant who approached the two of them with tea. Her hands trembled, and the tray in her hands flipped over, causing the teacups to fall to the ground. Many customers in House of Treasures glanced over unhappily. “Mr. Rockefeller, what happened to you?” Xyla quickly asked. The pricking sensation went away in an instant. But Alex had never felt this much pain in his life. It was as if his soul was being torn apart. He quickly placed one hand on the pillar. “It’s nothing… I suddenly felt a strong connection to this pillar’s history. I recalled the days of blood and fire when enemies invaded this place, and I feel very sentimental,” Alex said. Immediately, Xyla and the sales assistant looked at him as if they were looking at a monkey who could speak. The sales assistant, in particular, must have thought of Alex as a psychotic and mentally challenged person. “Mr. Rockefeller, why don’t we head upstairs and look around. The good stuff is all upstairs,” Xyla said softly. “I wonder, is this wooden pillar for sale?” Alex scratched his head and asked the assistant. As soon as Alex asked the question, the female sales assistant seemed annoyed. “Sir, if you keep making jokes like that, I’ll have to get security to throw you out. This is a load bearing pillar in House of Treasures. If you want to buy it, doesn’t that mean you want to tear the entire place down?” Xyla had a very odd expression on her face too. Ever since Alex walked into this building, he’d been acting awfully strange. But Alex didn’t have a choice. Otherwise, that darned bead might repeat what it did earlier. It was too much for Alex to handle. “I’ll buy it for whatever it costs,” Alex said determinedly. The female sales assistant’s facial expression turned dark. She glared angrily at Alex for a second. “Security, come here, quick. Someone’s causing a scene here,” she shouted. At the same time, the bead’s consciousness was getting stronger, and it was bumping around in Alex’s energy core. Alex felt as if it might break through his upper energy core and fly out. This gave Alex a fright. If it really came out, not only would it destroy his energy core, but his head might get hurt too. Alex made up his mind in an instant. “Hey! You b*tch. What the hell is going on? You’re running a business, and I’m here to buy stuff. You actually called the security to throw me out. How dare you?” Alex yelled. As he spoke, he punched the pillar angrily. Boom! Crack! Alex intentionally broke the load-bearing pillar. The wooden pillar with a diameter of half a meter fractured from the center. Right after that, the ceiling supported by this wooden pillar began to crack and countless stones began to rain down. A huge chunk of the ceiling couldn’t bear its weight any longer, and it came crashing down forcefully. When the female sales assistant saw this happening, she screamed in terror as her knees went weak. Her basic human instincts to run away didn’t even kick in. Meanwhile, the three security guards summoned by the sales assistant were also dumbfounded when they witnessed this scene as they had rushed over. “Crap!” “What’s going on?” Alex grabbed the female sales assistant and Xyla before dashing out of the way at lightning speed to avoid the falling ceiling. At the same time, the bead in his energy core was vibrating even more intensely. Alex could see an irregularly shaped stone popping out from the cracked spot on the load bearing pillar. The essence that emanated from it was too dense to describe with words.


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