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The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 781

There was water in the pool since it hadn’t been drained after the last use. Thump!
Claire Assex fell into the pool. “Help! Help!”
“I… Ouch, there’s a cramp in my leg…” Claire splashed around in the pool as she drank the pool water in big mouthfuls. Brittany Rockefeller immediately became furious. “Stop acting so miserable. Do you think I’m stupid? This
pool is so shallow.
You couldn’t possibly drown even if you have a leg cramp!” Waltz Fleur nodded. “That’s right. This woman just did something I’ve never seen before, all just for money!
However, this is how she usually behaves anyway. Previously, she even forced my senior to get a divorce so
that Dorothy Assex could get married to Spark Rockefeller, Alex’s cousin, the son of the culprit who snatched
Rockefeller Group away!
Is this something a human would do?”
“…” Brittany was dumbfounded. She had yet to hear about all that happened in the past!
Now that she had heard it, she was so angry that she could vomit blood. She then looked coldly at her son. “Why have you never told me about this? From now on, you must cut off all ties with Dorothy. I will not
allow my son to be insulted like this,” Brittany said.
“Understood.” Alex Rockefeller nodded absent mindedly. Right then, Alex notices that Claire really was sinking. “She seems to have a real leg cramp,” he quickly said. Alex hurriedly took his phone and car key out of his pockets before jumping into the pool. As soon as he grabbed Claire with his hand, she latched on to Alex as if he was her lifeline. She wouldn’t let
go no matter what. Meanwhile, Alex’s feet were touching the bottom of the pool, but half of his body was above water. That’s
because this was only the shallow zone of the pool.
The water level was at most one meter high. “Hey. Is your cramp fine now? You can let go of me!”
“You won’t die.” But Claire was clinging onto Alex like a koala bear with a horrified look on her face. This was awkward. Claire was only wearing a white t-shirt. Now that it was soaked, it’s almost as if she wasn’t wearing any
clothes. As such, not only did Alex feel awkward, but even Brittany, Waltz and Maya Howards had odd
expressions on their faces.
Claire only let go after Alex had carried her away from the pool. As soon as her feet landed on the ground, she
reached out to hit Alex. Unfortunately, she missed. “Great. Your entire family is trying to kill me, aren’t you? Brittany, you are ungrateful. Don’t you know who
paid for you to stay in the hospital when you were in a coma? Me! Without me, you’d be dead long ago!
Would you even have the chance to show off here? Without me, your son would have been begging on some
unknown street.
How dare you hit me? Alex, you’re a traitor. I was nice enough to come offer you a second
chance, but you didn’t appreciate it. I’m telling you, you won’t get another chance! I’ll find Dorothy a better
family. They’ll be a thousand times or ten thousand times better than you lot” Claire yelled. Brittany felt a burning sensation in her chest. She had found out everything that happened while she was in a coma. Her son had to work like a horse in the Assex family but only earned ten thousand dollars in salary.
The wedding gifts Brittany gave to the Assex family, on top of various other gifts, were already worth more
than 30 million dollars. The total of 100,000 dollars was worth little in comparison. Brittany raised her hand, about to slap Madame Claire. However, Alex knocked Claire out with a poke of his
finger before Brittany could do so
. Out of deference to Dorothy Assex, he couldn’t allow things to go too far out of control. After all, Dorothy
was his woman. “Mom, this woman is being unruly here, so I’ll send her home!” Alex said. “Why bother sending her home? Just throw her out,” Brittany replied coldly.
“It’s not a good idea to leave her out there like this…” A huge problem would arise if someone took Claire away and raped her. In the end, Alex drove Claire back
to the Assex family’s villa in her car. Right then, Dorothy happened to be in the garden.

The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 781

The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 781

There was water in the pool since it hadn’t been drained after the last use. Thump! Claire Assex fell into the pool. “Help! Help!” “I… Ouch, there’s a cramp in my leg…” Claire splashed around in the pool as she drank the pool water in big mouthfuls. Brittany Rockefeller immediately became furious. “Stop acting so miserable. Do you think I’m stupid? This pool is so shallow. You couldn’t possibly drown even if you have a leg cramp!” Waltz Fleur nodded. “That’s right. This woman just did something I’ve never seen before, all just for money! However, this is how she usually behaves anyway. Previously, she even forced my senior to get a divorce so that Dorothy Assex could get married to Spark Rockefeller, Alex’s cousin, the son of the culprit who snatched Rockefeller Group away! Is this something a human would do?” “…” Brittany was dumbfounded. She had yet to hear about all that happened in the past! Now that she had heard it, she was so angry that she could vomit blood. She then looked coldly at her son. “Why have you never told me about this? From now on, you must cut off all ties with Dorothy. I will not allow my son to be insulted like this,” Brittany said. “Understood.” Alex Rockefeller nodded absent mindedly. Right then, Alex notices that Claire really was sinking. “She seems to have a real leg cramp,” he quickly said. Alex hurriedly took his phone and car key out of his pockets before jumping into the pool. As soon as he grabbed Claire with his hand, she latched on to Alex as if he was her lifeline. She wouldn’t let go no matter what. Meanwhile, Alex’s feet were touching the bottom of the pool, but half of his body was above water. That’s because this was only the shallow zone of the pool. The water level was at most one meter high. “Hey. Is your cramp fine now? You can let go of me!” “You won’t die.” But Claire was clinging onto Alex like a koala bear with a horrified look on her face. This was awkward. Claire was only wearing a white t-shirt. Now that it was soaked, it’s almost as if she wasn’t wearing any clothes. As such, not only did Alex feel awkward, but even Brittany, Waltz and Maya Howards had odd expressions on their faces. Claire only let go after Alex had carried her away from the pool. As soon as her feet landed on the ground, she reached out to hit Alex. Unfortunately, she missed. “Great. Your entire family is trying to kill me, aren’t you? Brittany, you are ungrateful. Don’t you know who paid for you to stay in the hospital when you were in a coma? Me! Without me, you’d be dead long ago! Would you even have the chance to show off here? Without me, your son would have been begging on some unknown street. How dare you hit me? Alex, you’re a traitor. I was nice enough to come offer you a second chance, but you didn’t appreciate it. I’m telling you, you won’t get another chance! I’ll find Dorothy a better family. They’ll be a thousand times or ten thousand times better than you lot” Claire yelled. Brittany felt a burning sensation in her chest. She had found out everything that happened while she was in a coma. Her son had to work like a horse in the Assex family but only earned ten thousand dollars in salary. The wedding gifts Brittany gave to the Assex family, on top of various other gifts, were already worth more than 30 million dollars. The total of 100,000 dollars was worth little in comparison. Brittany raised her hand, about to slap Madame Claire. However, Alex knocked Claire out with a poke of his finger before Brittany could do so . Out of deference to Dorothy Assex, he couldn’t allow things to go too far out of control. After all, Dorothy was his woman. “Mom, this woman is being unruly here, so I’ll send her home!” Alex said. “Why bother sending her home? Just throw her out,” Brittany replied coldly. “It’s not a good idea to leave her out there like this…” A huge problem would arise if someone took Claire away and raped her. In the end, Alex drove Claire back to the Assex family’s villa in her car. Right then, Dorothy happened to be in the garden.


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