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The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 778

Alex was at the meeting when he received the call. The meeting was similar to what Waltz had said, it just a
mere meet and greet. The shareholders, managers and CEOs of the subsidiary companies were present in a large meeting hall. Many
had seen just how powerful Alex and Waltz were, so they showed absolute respect towards them. Moreover, some fighters had been slightly scornful of Lex since he knew no martial arts. Fighters would tend to admire and worship the strong. Since Lex had no power nor skill, he basically built this
business empire with the help of his three godchildren.
However, now that Waltz had become the CEO, everything felt much more different. Moreover, Waltz’s man was almost as powerful as God itself. Their power was enough to have everyone bow down for them. Just then, a director said, “Mr. Rockefeller, you’re the president of the SCBA now, right? Their organization
is based in Michigan all this while, so wouldn’t that mean that you’d have to stay in Michigan from now on?” Alex’s identity as a grandmaster was no secret within the highest authority of Thousand Miles Conglomerate.
Alex shook his head. “I have a home here, so there’s no way I’d move to Michigan. If the headquarters of the
SCBA can be built in Michigan, why can’t they move to California?” The director slapped his own thigh. “Oh, right! God I’m so dumb, I really hadn’t thought about that!” Another director said respectfully. “Grandmaster Alex, you mentioned that you could cure Frederick Duncan’s
stage four stomach cancer, can you really do that?” Alex took a glance at him and was able to identify the problem. “You have lung cancer.”
The middle-aged director approached Alex and knelt down. “Grandmaster Alex, you really are a miracle
doctor, Hippocrates reborn! Please, save me! I, Beck Klein would be willing to be your slave from now on!” Everyone was shocked. They were already shocked that Beck had cancer, and became even more so when they realized Alex could
cure cancer. Not many of them had attended the SCBA Battles, so they didn’t know what exactly went down.
Everyone turned to look at Alex
‘If Alex could really cure cancer, wouldn’t that just be too good to be true? As business partners, we could
definitely reap some benefits from this.’ “You don’t have to kneel before me. Stand back up now.” Alex said calmly, “You’re the director of Thousand
Miles Conglomerate, so you’re part of this family too. Your cancer is just in its first stage, so it wouldn’t be
much of a problem.
Get me a pen and paper, I’ll just give you a prescription. Get the herbs thatI listed and
give them to me. After I make them into proper medicine, you’ll definitely be cured.” Beck was overjoyed to hear this, giving Alex several kowtows. He never felt an ounce of happiness ever since
he’d been diagnosed with lung cancer. Alex turned to everyone. “All of you here are brothers of Thousand Miles, please help Waltz as much as possible to manage this empire!
I’m fairly skilled in medicine, so if you have any complications that hospitals
are unable to cure, you can always look for me… But please keep this a secret to the public. Otherwise every
cancer patient in the world would look for me and I would end up dying of exhaustion!” Everyone stood up and raised their glasses. “Thank you, Grandmaster Alex!”
The meet and greet ended cheerfully.
After everyone else had left, Waltz hopped on to Alex and gave him a big kiss. “I think you’re much more
powerful than my position as the CEO, you’re the king of this empire.”
“Get off me, it wouldn’t be good if someone saw us like this.”
“So what?
Everyone knows that I like you. Carry me home now, I’d like to sleep with you.”
“My mom just came back. She found out that your godfather died, so she rushed home immediately.”
“Then carry me home right now, I’d like to give Mom a big hug.” However, Alex didn’t expect Claire to show up at his door first. The two women bumped into each other at the
gates of Maple Villa 8.

The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 778

The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 778

Alex was at the meeting when he received the call. The meeting was similar to what Waltz had said, it just a mere meet and greet. The shareholders, managers and CEOs of the subsidiary companies were present in a large meeting hall. Many had seen just how powerful Alex and Waltz were, so they showed absolute respect towards them. Moreover, some fighters had been slightly scornful of Lex since he knew no martial arts. Fighters would tend to admire and worship the strong. Since Lex had no power nor skill, he basically built this business empire with the help of his three godchildren. However, now that Waltz had become the CEO, everything felt much more different. Moreover, Waltz’s man was almost as powerful as God itself. Their power was enough to have everyone bow down for them. Just then, a director said, “Mr. Rockefeller, you’re the president of the SCBA now, right? Their organization is based in Michigan all this while, so wouldn’t that mean that you’d have to stay in Michigan from now on?” Alex’s identity as a grandmaster was no secret within the highest authority of Thousand Miles Conglomerate. Alex shook his head. “I have a home here, so there’s no way I’d move to Michigan. If the headquarters of the SCBA can be built in Michigan, why can’t they move to California?” The director slapped his own thigh. “Oh, right! God I’m so dumb, I really hadn’t thought about that!” Another director said respectfully. “Grandmaster Alex, you mentioned that you could cure Frederick Duncan’s stage four stomach cancer, can you really do that?” Alex took a glance at him and was able to identify the problem. “You have lung cancer.” The middle-aged director approached Alex and knelt down. “Grandmaster Alex, you really are a miracle doctor, Hippocrates reborn! Please, save me! I, Beck Klein would be willing to be your slave from now on!” Everyone was shocked. They were already shocked that Beck had cancer, and became even more so when they realized Alex could cure cancer. Not many of them had attended the SCBA Battles, so they didn’t know what exactly went down. Everyone turned to look at Alex ‘If Alex could really cure cancer, wouldn’t that just be too good to be true? As business partners, we could definitely reap some benefits from this.’ “You don’t have to kneel before me. Stand back up now.” Alex said calmly, “You’re the director of Thousand Miles Conglomerate, so you’re part of this family too. Your cancer is just in its first stage, so it wouldn’t be much of a problem. Get me a pen and paper, I’ll just give you a prescription. Get the herbs thatI listed and give them to me. After I make them into proper medicine, you’ll definitely be cured.” Beck was overjoyed to hear this, giving Alex several kowtows. He never felt an ounce of happiness ever since he’d been diagnosed with lung cancer. Alex turned to everyone. “All of you here are brothers of Thousand Miles, please help Waltz as much as possible to manage this empire! I’m fairly skilled in medicine, so if you have any complications that hospitals are unable to cure, you can always look for me… But please keep this a secret to the public. Otherwise every cancer patient in the world would look for me and I would end up dying of exhaustion!” Everyone stood up and raised their glasses. “Thank you, Grandmaster Alex!” The meet and greet ended cheerfully. After everyone else had left, Waltz hopped on to Alex and gave him a big kiss. “I think you’re much more powerful than my position as the CEO, you’re the king of this empire.” “Get off me, it wouldn’t be good if someone saw us like this.” “So what? Everyone knows that I like you. Carry me home now, I’d like to sleep with you.” “My mom just came back. She found out that your godfather died, so she rushed home immediately.” “Then carry me home right now, I’d like to give Mom a big hug.” However, Alex didn’t expect Claire to show up at his door first. The two women bumped into each other at the gates of Maple Villa 8.


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