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The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 608

Heath Accardo had been terrified of Alex Rockefeller since the first time they met. Heath had also witnessed
the bloody scene in Valtameri Tower sensing that Alex was not a human, but a demon!
Maiko Chiba directly tossed a knife over to Alex. “Stab this knife into your stomach, and I will let them go.” What?
Not only Dorothy Assex was shocked, but Claire Assex and Beatrice Assex were equally shocked as well
when they heard this. The knife was at least thirty centimeters in length. Would Alex still live after stabbing it into his stomach?
“Are you crazy?
Do you want him to kill himself?” Dorothy cried out loudly. Maiko retrieved another knife and placed it against Dorothy’s neck with a playful look in her eyes. “Will you
stab yourself or not? Don’t worry, I won’t let you die.
My objective is the Holy Book.” The Assex family didn’t know what the Holy Book was, and were confused when they heard this. Beatrice didn’t believe that Alex would stab himself. What if he really turned around and left?
That meant her family would all die. No, they would go through much worse than being killed right away.
“Can’t you just take the Holy Book?
Why must you make him kill himself?” Beatrice asked. Maiko stared at Alex, ignoring Beatrice. If Alex didn’t stab himself, Maiko didn’t feel safe. “If you don’t stab yourself, I’ll stab her! If I do this, you might have to bid farewell to your wife forever,” Maiko said bluntly as she moved her hand gently.
Blood trickled down Dorothy’s fair neck
“Stop!” Alex shouted. Claire felt hopeless when she saw this. “Hurry up and stab yourself! Why are you hesitating? You owe
Dorothy, and you owe our family! Think about it. For the past year, who has been feeding you and providing
you with a roof over your head?
Dorothy loves you so much, but you messed with other women behind her
back. You owe this to her. Stab yourself. Once you do so, everything you owe her will be forgiven,” Clare
yelled at Alex. Tears rolled down Dorothy’s cheeks while she fervently shook her head. “No, you can’t. Mom, shut up. How
could you say that?”
Claire was furious. “What do you want me to do? Should we trade three of our lives for his? Does only his
life matter, but not your mother’s or sister’s?” Dorothy didn’t have a comeback for this. All she could do was sob uncontrollably. Alex looked at Dorothy gently. “Dorothy, your mother’s right! I owe this to you. This matter has nothing to do
with you anyway.
If someone has to die, I’d rather it be me than the three of you!”
With that, Alex slowly kneeled and picked up the knife. He turned it around and aimed it at his stomach. At this moment, everyone fell silent. Claire and Beatrice had their eyes wide open. If they put themselves in Alex’s shoes, they definitely wouldn’t
be able to stab themselves.
They’d be terrified to death. Dorothy’s legs went weak, and tears filled her eyes. Alex exerted force with his hand. The thirty centimeters long knife entered his body clean, but emerged red. It pierced right through Alex, and the tip of the knife appeared behind him.
“No!” Dorothy cried out in pain. She felt as if she had been stabbed was the one bleeding instead. Claire’s eyes were wide with disbelief. Beatrice pinched her own fingers forcefully, and her face turned pale.
She was also crying. Regardless of how much a jerk Alex was, this act of stabbing himself cleared him of all his past mistakes. Alex spat out a mouthful of blood. His body swayed as he looked at Maiko with the knife in his hands. “Now, can you let them go?”

The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 608

The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 608

Heath Accardo had been terrified of Alex Rockefeller since the first time they met. Heath had also witnessed the bloody scene in Valtameri Tower sensing that Alex was not a human, but a demon! Clang! Maiko Chiba directly tossed a knife over to Alex. “Stab this knife into your stomach, and I will let them go.” What? Not only Dorothy Assex was shocked, but Claire Assex and Beatrice Assex were equally shocked as well when they heard this. The knife was at least thirty centimeters in length. Would Alex still live after stabbing it into his stomach? “Are you crazy? Do you want him to kill himself?” Dorothy cried out loudly. Maiko retrieved another knife and placed it against Dorothy’s neck with a playful look in her eyes. “Will you stab yourself or not? Don’t worry, I won’t let you die. My objective is the Holy Book.” The Assex family didn’t know what the Holy Book was, and were confused when they heard this. Beatrice didn’t believe that Alex would stab himself. What if he really turned around and left? That meant her family would all die. No, they would go through much worse than being killed right away. “Can’t you just take the Holy Book? Why must you make him kill himself?” Beatrice asked. Maiko stared at Alex, ignoring Beatrice. If Alex didn’t stab himself, Maiko didn’t feel safe. “If you don’t stab yourself, I’ll stab her! If I do this, you might have to bid farewell to your wife forever,” Maiko said bluntly as she moved her hand gently. Blood trickled down Dorothy’s fair neck “Stop!” Alex shouted. Claire felt hopeless when she saw this. “Hurry up and stab yourself! Why are you hesitating? You owe Dorothy, and you owe our family! Think about it. For the past year, who has been feeding you and providing you with a roof over your head? Dorothy loves you so much, but you messed with other women behind her back. You owe this to her. Stab yourself. Once you do so, everything you owe her will be forgiven,” Clare yelled at Alex. Tears rolled down Dorothy’s cheeks while she fervently shook her head. “No, you can’t. Mom, shut up. How could you say that?” Claire was furious. “What do you want me to do? Should we trade three of our lives for his? Does only his life matter, but not your mother’s or sister’s?” Dorothy didn’t have a comeback for this. All she could do was sob uncontrollably. Alex looked at Dorothy gently. “Dorothy, your mother’s right! I owe this to you. This matter has nothing to do with you anyway. If someone has to die, I’d rather it be me than the three of you!” With that, Alex slowly kneeled and picked up the knife. He turned it around and aimed it at his stomach. At this moment, everyone fell silent. Claire and Beatrice had their eyes wide open. If they put themselves in Alex’s shoes, they definitely wouldn’t be able to stab themselves. They’d be terrified to death. Dorothy’s legs went weak, and tears filled her eyes. Alex exerted force with his hand. The thirty centimeters long knife entered his body clean, but emerged red. It pierced right through Alex, and the tip of the knife appeared behind him. “No!” Dorothy cried out in pain. She felt as if she had been stabbed was the one bleeding instead. Claire’s eyes were wide with disbelief. Beatrice pinched her own fingers forcefully, and her face turned pale. She was also crying. Regardless of how much a jerk Alex was, this act of stabbing himself cleared him of all his past mistakes. Alex spat out a mouthful of blood. His body swayed as he looked at Maiko with the knife in his hands. “Now, can you let them go?”


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