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The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 570

“Okay, so you admitted that what you said earlier wasn‘t serious stuff.”
“The products of Lush Cosmetics developed by your mother are too great, they are too wonderful! We are
running out of stock for these two products at Belle Blossom and your City Salon! The number of people on
the waiting list is already in the thousands, can you believe it? What should I do?” She was worried yet jubilant despite the predicament.
In just a few days, the upsurge of Belle Blossom’s
popularity was seen among the circles of female socialites in California. The booming popularity was mainly
due to a heiress from a certain great family in California. She was Lily Coleman, the heiress to the Coleman
family, one of the four great families of California. In terms of facial features and figure, she was the best of
the best.
Unfortunately, she was born with a pockmarked face. Clusters of freckles were visible all over her face, people with trypophobia would have goosebumps all over
their bodies after seeing her face. She had consulted countless doctors, and even applied Rockefeller Group’s Bounty Acne Cream, but to no
avail. To her surprise, her issue was solved immediately after using Lush Cosmetics’ Lush Acne Cream.
Three to four days was all it took for the freckles on her face to disappear completely, leaving only faint marks. Without taking a thorough look, one would not be able to see those marks at all. Without hesitation, Hailey Lawson grabbed the opportunity to promote such a powerful effect of the product
in Belle Blossom.
Lily, who was grateful to Lush Cosmetics, was also Willing to cite her experience and
cooperated with its publicity… Of course, most importantly, Lily wanted to use Hailey’s publicity as her
means to make a proclamation to all Californians, her freckles were a thing of the past. As the heiress of the Coleman family, she was now a genuine beauty, inside and out. She had finally gotten rid
of the title of California’s First Freckleface.
“Wait a minute! Wait a minute!” Alex interrupted Hailey. “What do you mean by ‘my City Salon’?” City Salon was a gift from the Summers family to Hailey!
Hailey replied, “Little Brother, you know better than me about what’s going on with City Salon. For what
reason did the Summers family give the salon to me? It’s actually meant for you, but they dared not say it
clearly just to avoid losing their faces.
If I were to seize it for my own despite having a clear conscience, what
would I become? You are not my man too.”
“Umm…” Alex was startled. ‘Did you really have to say the last sentence in your words earlier?’ Hailey continued, “Anyway, the ownership of City Salon has been transferred to your name and you are the
new CEO! Speaking of which, shouldn’t you, the CEO, come over to show yourselves and get to know your
I am at City Salon right now… Oh, right. Did you call me for something?” She suddenly remembered that it was Alex who called first. She knew this guy would not take initiative to
contact her without a reason. “Oh, I just want to ask if Charles has returned from his business trip? I need his help for something.”
“He just happens to be on the way coming back. He’s on the plane, so phone calls can’t get through him,” Hailey explained with a smile.
“Why don’t you come to City Salon now? I’ll send him a text message. He will
come over upon arrival. We’ll have dinner together afterward, will you do the honours?”
“Deal! Send me the address, I will be there soon.”
Alex was in a hurry when he came and did not drive. Fortunately, City Salon was not too far from where he
With a bus stop right at the entrance, it was only three stops away from the salon, saving him the hassle of
hailing a taxi. About ten minutes later, he arrived wobbly at City Salon. Alex, who rarely took the bus, got to experience firsthand the crowding in the bus like a handful of sardines. He saw City Salon for the first time, its entrance was even more lavish than Belle Blossom’s. Dozens of
luxury cars, with the cheapest being BMWs and Mercedes-Benzs, along with quite a number of super luxury
cars that were worth tens of millions dollars, parked by its entrance.
Judging from the colorful bodies of the
cars, it was evident that cars were mostly owned by females. ‘Is the business really that great?’ Alex was stunned by the bustle for a while before entering the salon. “Stop where you are going!” Two burly security guards at the entrance stopped Alex. One of them waved his hand with a face of disdain, as if he were swatting a fly.
“Shoo! This is not a place for
you to be!” His partner sneered, “Are you out of your mind? How dare you come here?” Both saw Alex, who was dressed in a security guard’s uniform, exiting the bus with their own eyes.
To them, such poor beings at the bottom of the society like Alex were not worthy to set foot in City Salon. Even
walking past its entrance was an insult to the salon. They conveniently forgot that they were just security guards, too.

The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 570

The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 570

“Okay, so you admitted that what you said earlier wasn‘t serious stuff.” “The products of Lush Cosmetics developed by your mother are too great, they are too wonderful! We are running out of stock for these two products at Belle Blossom and your City Salon! The number of people on the waiting list is already in the thousands, can you believe it? What should I do?” She was worried yet jubilant despite the predicament. In just a few days, the upsurge of Belle Blossom’s popularity was seen among the circles of female socialites in California. The booming popularity was mainly due to a heiress from a certain great family in California. She was Lily Coleman, the heiress to the Coleman family, one of the four great families of California. In terms of facial features and figure, she was the best of the best. Unfortunately, she was born with a pockmarked face. Clusters of freckles were visible all over her face, people with trypophobia would have goosebumps all over their bodies after seeing her face. She had consulted countless doctors, and even applied Rockefeller Group’s Bounty Acne Cream, but to no avail. To her surprise, her issue was solved immediately after using Lush Cosmetics’ Lush Acne Cream. Three to four days was all it took for the freckles on her face to disappear completely, leaving only faint marks. Without taking a thorough look, one would not be able to see those marks at all. Without hesitation, Hailey Lawson grabbed the opportunity to promote such a powerful effect of the product in Belle Blossom. Lily, who was grateful to Lush Cosmetics, was also Willing to cite her experience and cooperated with its publicity… Of course, most importantly, Lily wanted to use Hailey’s publicity as her means to make a proclamation to all Californians, her freckles were a thing of the past. As the heiress of the Coleman family, she was now a genuine beauty, inside and out. She had finally gotten rid of the title of California’s First Freckleface. “Wait a minute! Wait a minute!” Alex interrupted Hailey. “What do you mean by ‘my City Salon’?” City Salon was a gift from the Summers family to Hailey! Hailey replied, “Little Brother, you know better than me about what’s going on with City Salon. For what reason did the Summers family give the salon to me? It’s actually meant for you, but they dared not say it clearly just to avoid losing their faces. If I were to seize it for my own despite having a clear conscience, what would I become? You are not my man too.” “Umm…” Alex was startled. ‘Did you really have to say the last sentence in your words earlier?’ Hailey continued, “Anyway, the ownership of City Salon has been transferred to your name and you are the new CEO! Speaking of which, shouldn’t you, the CEO, come over to show yourselves and get to know your employees? I am at City Salon right now… Oh, right. Did you call me for something?” She suddenly remembered that it was Alex who called first. She knew this guy would not take initiative to contact her without a reason. “Oh, I just want to ask if Charles has returned from his business trip? I need his help for something.” “He just happens to be on the way coming back. He’s on the plane, so phone calls can’t get through him,” Hailey explained with a smile. “Why don’t you come to City Salon now? I’ll send him a text message. He will come over upon arrival. We’ll have dinner together afterward, will you do the honours?” “Deal! Send me the address, I will be there soon.” Alex was in a hurry when he came and did not drive. Fortunately, City Salon was not too far from where he was. With a bus stop right at the entrance, it was only three stops away from the salon, saving him the hassle of hailing a taxi. About ten minutes later, he arrived wobbly at City Salon. Alex, who rarely took the bus, got to experience firsthand the crowding in the bus like a handful of sardines. He saw City Salon for the first time, its entrance was even more lavish than Belle Blossom’s. Dozens of luxury cars, with the cheapest being BMWs and Mercedes-Benzs, along with quite a number of super luxury cars that were worth tens of millions dollars, parked by its entrance. Judging from the colorful bodies of the cars, it was evident that cars were mostly owned by females. ‘Is the business really that great?’ Alex was stunned by the bustle for a while before entering the salon. “Stop where you are going!” Two burly security guards at the entrance stopped Alex. One of them waved his hand with a face of disdain, as if he were swatting a fly. “Shoo! This is not a place for you to be!” His partner sneered, “Are you out of your mind? How dare you come here?” Both saw Alex, who was dressed in a security guard’s uniform, exiting the bus with their own eyes. To them, such poor beings at the bottom of the society like Alex were not worthy to set foot in City Salon. Even walking past its entrance was an insult to the salon. They conveniently forgot that they were just security guards, too.


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