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The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 1572

Alex was a little embarrassed. “This… Actually, we haven’t known each other for a long time. We’ve just gone through some dangerous situations one time, and we don’t know much about each other.”
Martiny said, “That doesn’t sound right. True sentiments are seen in hard times, and even if someone knows another for their whole lifetime, they may still don’t understand each other, while some people can feel a connection at first sight, as well as love.”
Alex nodded. “That’s right. Freya is daring to act and courageous enough to take responsibility for her actions, and she’s very heroic.”
“Hmm! So, is she pretty?”
“Uh… ” Alex nodded. If he were to shake his head, that would be hurtful to the other party.
“Then, that’s settled. Alex, she will be your wife from now on.”
Alex and Brittany were stunned.
Luna frowned. “Aunt, are you selling off your daughter here? I disagree with it I think we still need to observe this kid for a while longer. He’s mediocre in his martial arts and is a little indecisive. There’s no problem with his attitude if he’s placed in a peaceful and prosperous world, but once he goes over to the other side, he’s going to be the fastest to die. I don’t want my sister to be a widow at such a young age.”
Alex was a little dazed. There were some parts of what Luna was saying that he didn’t understand. What peace and prosperous world, and what did she mean by ‘that side’?
He wasn’t going to go anywhere!
When Brittany finally came back to her senses, she said to Martiny, “Uhm, you may not know this, but my son is already married! He has a wife.”
She didn’t expect Martiny to nod.” I know, but that’s fine. As long as they agree, my daughter can be one of his concubines.”
Brittany’s eyes widened, ‘Which mother in the world would want their daughters to be someone’s concubine?’
What more, it was unbelievable for someone like Martiny Mayer, whose cultivation level was almost as high as an immortal, to actually say such a thing.
“Y-You… You’re serious?”
“I am very serious,” Martiny answered solemnly.
Freya couldn’t hold back anymore. “Mom, stop listening to Dad’s nonsense. I don’t want to get married yet, let alone be a concubine… Also, I’m poisoned. I won’ t even know how long I have to live!”
“You’ve been poisoned? What kind of poison?”
“The Pill of Seven Poisons from the Witch Cult.”
“What did you say, the Witch Cult?”
Martiny jumped up suddenly. “Impossible, absolutely impossible.”
Freya asked, “What’s impossible, Mom?”
Luna also straightened up, her beautiful eyes shaking. “The Witch Cult should have been destroyed twenty five years ago, and even the source had been destroyed. How can they still be around?”
Martiny replied, “That’s right. I was the one who personally destroyed them.”
However, she immediately moved to check Freya’s body, and she frowned. “It really is the Seven Poisons of the Witch Cult. Could there still be some of them out there? Freya, who poisoned you?”
Freya mentioned Trevon Lambert’s name, from West Yukon.
Luna stood up immediately. “I’ll head over to West Yukon immediately!”
“Sister, Trevon is dead,” Freya said hurriedly.
Alex was happy with the change in the topic that Freya had brought up. Although Freya was a long-legged beauty, he didn’t dare to provoke her. There were enough women around him, any more, the stress would probably give him kidney failure!
He started, “I can cure her of the poison, but one of the materials used for the medication is a bit difficult to find. I’ve already asked my grandfather to use the resources of the Divine Constabulary to search, and it has been two days since. They still haven’t found anything.”
“What kind of medicinal ingredient is it?”
“Dragon Blood Vine.”
“I know a place that has it.”
Alex asked, “Where?”
“Hygieia Valley!” Luna replied.

The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 1572

The Pinnacle of Life Chapter 1572

Alex was a little embarrassed. “This… Actually, we haven’t known each other for a long time. We’ve just gone through some dangerous situations one time, and we don’t know much about each other.” Martiny said, “That doesn’t sound right. True sentiments are seen in hard times, and even if someone knows another for their whole lifetime, they may still don’t understand each other, while some people can feel a connection at first sight, as well as love.” Alex nodded. “That’s right. Freya is daring to act and courageous enough to take responsibility for her actions, and she’s very heroic.” “Hmm! So, is she pretty?” “Uh… ” Alex nodded. If he were to shake his head, that would be hurtful to the other party. “Then, that’s settled. Alex, she will be your wife from now on.” “Huh?” Alex and Brittany were stunned. Luna frowned. “Aunt, are you selling off your daughter here? I disagree with it I think we still need to observe this kid for a while longer. He’s mediocre in his martial arts and is a little indecisive. There’s no problem with his attitude if he’s placed in a peaceful and prosperous world, but once he goes over to the other side, he’s going to be the fastest to die. I don’t want my sister to be a widow at such a young age.” “Uh..?” Alex was a little dazed. There were some parts of what Luna was saying that he didn’t understand. What peace and prosperous world, and what did she mean by ‘that side’? He wasn’t going to go anywhere! When Brittany finally came back to her senses, she said to Martiny, “Uhm, you may not know this, but my son is already married! He has a wife.” She didn’t expect Martiny to nod.” I know, but that’s fine. As long as they agree, my daughter can be one of his concubines.” Brittany’s eyes widened, ‘Which mother in the world would want their daughters to be someone’s concubine?’ What more, it was unbelievable for someone like Martiny Mayer, whose cultivation level was almost as high as an immortal, to actually say such a thing. “Y-You… You’re serious?” “I am very serious,” Martiny answered solemnly. Freya couldn’t hold back anymore. “Mom, stop listening to Dad’s nonsense. I don’t want to get married yet, let alone be a concubine… Also, I’m poisoned. I won’ t even know how long I have to live!” “What?!” “You’ve been poisoned? What kind of poison?” “The Pill of Seven Poisons from the Witch Cult.” “What did you say, the Witch Cult?” Martiny jumped up suddenly. “Impossible, absolutely impossible.” Freya asked, “What’s impossible, Mom?” Luna also straightened up, her beautiful eyes shaking. “The Witch Cult should have been destroyed twenty five years ago, and even the source had been destroyed. How can they still be around?” Martiny replied, “That’s right. I was the one who personally destroyed them.” However, she immediately moved to check Freya’s body, and she frowned. “It really is the Seven Poisons of the Witch Cult. Could there still be some of them out there? Freya, who poisoned you?” Freya mentioned Trevon Lambert’s name, from West Yukon. Luna stood up immediately. “I’ll head over to West Yukon immediately!” “Sister, Trevon is dead,” Freya said hurriedly. Alex was happy with the change in the topic that Freya had brought up. Although Freya was a long-legged beauty, he didn’t dare to provoke her. There were enough women around him, any more, the stress would probably give him kidney failure! He started, “I can cure her of the poison, but one of the materials used for the medication is a bit difficult to find. I’ve already asked my grandfather to use the resources of the Divine Constabulary to search, and it has been two days since. They still haven’t found anything.” “What kind of medicinal ingredient is it?” “Dragon Blood Vine.” “I know a place that has it.” Alex asked, “Where?” “Hygieia Valley!” Luna replied.


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