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The Legacy of the Alpha King: Hiding his Secret Twins Chapter 173 by Ebony Woods

Libby POV

It had been well over six months since I made contact with the werewolf community, since I saw Evelyn, Reuben and…Pierce.

I just needed to escape, I couldn’t be what they wanted me to be. I couldn’t be comfortable with a wolf inside of me, living as a second entity, as part of me…when they had an entire childhood to get used to their culture. It spooked me out.

I just couldn’t be what they wanted me to be.

Was that so bad? To go from only knowing a human world to being forced into a world where werewolves were actually real and not something from books and movies?

A world where they seem to be attacked every other day just for living.

With every more inch power my wolf gained on me, I felt like I was losing control, losing the real me. I know I left when they needed me, but they didn’t need me, not really.

They just thought they did. I didn’t leave until I knew Evelyn was okay, until I knew Cassandra and the children were out of trouble.

The lake water freezing cold as I pulled Evelyn’s lifeless body out of it, as I started to perform CPR. I showed Rex what to do as soon as I heard Reuben returning.

He would have locked me up, he would have tortured me like he did Malcolm, surely? I had caused all that trouble.

Why should I get a free pass just because I am his sister and his best friend’s supposed mate…

I knew they were out of danger.

As soon as I saw Vicky’s dead body descend into the watery grave and Malcolm’s already dead body lying on the decking, I knew the twins were safe.

I couldn’t stay, I couldn’t face Reuben and I certainly couldn’t be…what was it …marked? And forced to live a life with a mate I didn’t even know, no matter how strong the tingles were.

Far better for me to remain off the grid. That is what Father wants, for me to remain off the grid.

I don’t care about the money, I would trade it all in tomorrow just to have a day back with Mum. Living as I have for the past six months, it proves that you don’t need to be rich to enjoy the joys of life. I don’t need all that money to be happy. I just need to be alone.

Alone where nobody can hurt me and I can’t hurt any body. Because that’s what happens, you love someone…and then they get taken away from you. So what was the point in falling in love? In having family near you, when you would lose them anyway?

I hadn’t heard from Father, he was still in hiding, as was I. But when I do see him again, I won’t go against Reuben and his family. No matter how much pressure he applies, I know I couldn’t hurt them, I wouldn’t want them to be put in danger. If Father expects it, he’ll have to make other plans because I wouldn’t be helping him.

Things here were noisy in the day, just as I liked them. But quiet at night time, which I didn’t like as much…being alone with my thoughts at night has never been a good idea.

That’s why I used to watch so much television in the safety of my apartment, but there is no television here.

I truly am off grid.

All I have is an old fashioned top up mobile phone that I make a phone call on every now and again. Nobody else has any way of contacting me.

I think it was better that perhaps I wasn’t in communication with Father as well. My anger at his actions had only started to lessen in the past few weeks.

The self loathing of being the daughter of a man that could treat his own grandchildren in such a manner completely disgusts me.

I loved working on the farm. I worked and lived on a farm, completely off grid.

I had my own caravan that was my sanctitude every night after a hard day of labouring.

It actually helped with my sleeping, with a part of me wanting Pierce.

I dreamt of him a lot, I don’t know a lot about this mate bond but I would say it was calling out to me, trying to return me to him. In my sleep is the only time my mind had a chance to think about him. I kept myself too busy in the day.

I had been living on this farm for the past six months. Nothing here would lead anyone to me, everybody here was off the grid. I didn’t need to look over my shoulder, I didn’t need to worry about letting people down.

Here, I could do what I want…as long as the Head Farmer approves of it. And he was a softy anyway. He saw how hard I worked, how quickly I sowed the fields.

I had friends here. Friends of my own. Friends that were nice to me not because they had been paid to be, or that I was the sister of a powerful man. Friends that were mine.

It was a beautiful spring morning. I was up early to feed the farm animals and make sure the farm equipment had been warmed up for the morning.

It was 6am…the best part of the day to be up and out.

I didn’t last past 9pm nowadays, my eyes calling for sleep as soon as I entered the caravan. Sometimes I didn’t even bother with dinner, the farmer’s wife making sure we all were well fed each morning knowing how hard a day’s labour can be on the body.

“It’s my turn today…” A voice calls out to me by the cows, as he opens the barn door to let them out.

“No, I’m on rota…but you can help me with this tractor…”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“I don’t know, its not starting up properly…maybe out of fuel?”

“Is that your professional diagnosis, its out of fuel?” He tuts playfully.

“Well…what else could it be?”

“A thousand things…I’ll have a look at it. Go close the cow gate otherwise they’ll terrorise the chickens.”

I do as he asks, his poor excuse of getting the roster wrong not the first time. And it only ever seemed to happen when I was on morning shift.

I walk over to the gate, shooing some of the cows out of the way. As I lift the gate, it doesn’t budge…the gate door stuck in mud.

“It’s stuck…” I call out to him.

“Use your strength!” He calls out to me.

“I am!” I shout back, the cows mooing at me for being so loud.

“Try harder….” Is all I hear him moan back.

I try…trying to lift the gate. My strength not as strong as it was, like back in the apartment. It isn’t moving and now the cows are trying to push me out of the way to get into the other field.

“Anwir, will you just come and help me!”

The End

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!
The Legacy of the Alpha King: Hiding his Secret Twins by Ebony Woods

The Legacy of the Alpha King: Hiding his Secret Twins by Ebony Woods

Score 9.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: English

Evelyn had been the Luna of the Red Stone Pack for the past two years. An arranged marriage of power to protect her father’s pack, she didn’t for one moment expect to develop feelings for the cold Alpha King. But in the two years ruling by his side, she sees a warmth to Reuben that he keeps hidden. After a night of passion that Reuben makes clear to Evelyn was a mistake, she finds out she is pregnant with the longed future for the ruling pack.

However Evelyn’s happiness at the news is short lived when the love of Reuben’s life returns only just surviving the murder of her own pack. Evelyn soon realises that Vicky isn’t as innocent as she makes out and doesn’t take long for her to get her claws into Reuben. After confronting his ex, Evelyn is a victim of a deliberate attempt to harm her child. She must make a decision to protect the pack’s future from Vicky and the baby’s own father. But will the cold ruthless Alpha King refuse to let her go so easily? Will he be responsible for the brutal attack on her family pack, leaving Evelyn’s soul broken? Has Evelyn finally seen Reuben for what he is, beyond salvation…

Chapter One Evelyn POV I am married but not mated. I am the wife of the Alpha King of the Red Stone Pack. His wife, but not the pack’s Luna. But that is only a consideration in technicality. The pack members for the past two years have supported me as the Alpha’s wife and never once made me feel any less of their Luna. The Red Stone Pack is the ruling pack of many, as our warriors remain undefeated in battle. We offer a strong alliance to smaller packs that in time of crisis can call upon the Alpha King and his warriors to help protect and secure their lands. “Luna…be careful. Let me do that.” Candice, one of the alpha mansion’s staff members offers to me. As the acting Luna, I was responsible for the planning and organising of the yearly group pack Moon Conference. We had just completed this year’s event and being the morning after, I was helping with the tidying up. The staff told me not to bother, that I had done all the hard work…but I like to help where I can. Every year the pack would invite the leading families of the incorporated packs to maintain a good rapport amongst the alliance. Being early summer, I organised the gathering outside this year. The weather held and luckily the last-minute forecast of rain didn’t reach us. I was currently standing on top of a ladder pulling down some of the thousands of fairy lights and the remaining pack banners. The banners were my new project, I had newly created them for this year’s celebration. They were designed with the symbol of a crown with a wolf howling into the red blood moon, the Red Stone Pack’s symbol. “I’m fine Candice. You could help by packing some of that food up? Maybe the night watch would like some food this morning as they missed out last night?” I suggest. “Yes Luna, I’m sure they would. You are very kind to think of them.” Candice agrees before calling another pack member over. “Just part of being the Luna.” I softly smile, I wasn’t used to compliments here and still wasn’t sure how to take them. “Michelle, can you help Luna with the lights?” Candice asks Michelle as she heads off to pack up the remaining food. “Of course. Luna let me do that, before the Alpha has our heads!” Michelle quips. I want to say something witty, but it could come across as an insult to the Alpha and our marriage. I had no delusions that the Alpha felt anything romantic towards me. He didn’t even like being in my company. We may be married but we certainly didn’t share a marital bed. In fact, he never touched me, never came close enough for our wolves to bond. Yet I still longed that he would grow to love me, I think that is why I am still here. Michelle climbs another ladder and starts to help me take down the outdoor fairy lights that were wrapped around a large tree. One of many, at this rate we would be here all morning removing these lights. “It was a great gathering Luna, you did incredibly well to organise all of this. I don’t think the gatherings were anything like this before, it’s nice to finally have a Luna again!” Michelle smiles at me. I could smell his scent before he appeared into view. His rich intoxicating sweet leather scent always made my legs tremble and for the first year of our marriage I had to control my wolf every time I was in his presence. He made it very clear that it was a marriage arrangement only to strengthen the packs. He may hold no romantic emotions for me, but I found his presence intense and magnificent. Growing up I had always fancied my now husband, Reuben. Most girls had a crush on him. Even as a young male he was strong, Alpha built, and had long dark blonde hair that he kept tied back. He was gifted by the moon goddess with bright blue eyes that always reminded me of my favourite lake near my home pack. His maturing years did not disappoint and many of the pack member’s females struggled to form a sentence in his presence. Reuben had become Alpha King after our marriage with his father resigning and leaving the overall protection and running of the pack to the two of us. In fact, I hadn’t seen his father since he left, their relationship was clearly strained. Not supportive or a secure outlet of unconditional love like the relationship with my parents. With Reuben’s increasing approach the atmosphere became thick and heavy. I reached higher to unwrap a tangled fairy light to look busy, rather than watch his sexy walk with my drooling mouth. His tight light grey t-shirt could hardly contain his muscles and the fabric looked like it would split at any moment under the strain. His arms were covered in tattoos, and I had only ever once glimpsed at his ink on his back. Large angel wings spanning both shoulder blades with a small name written underneath that I couldn’t quite see at the time. He was also wearing loose black jeans, his signature look for when on pack lands to be able to shift at any moment. With my wolf whimpering in my mind at his presence and my legs feeling weak, I somehow lose my footing on the ladder and start to fall. He is there in a flash, catching me, holding me in a tight grip around my waist. Our eyes meet just for second as I feel his warm breath on my neck, where I should hold his chosen mate mark. His eyes flash from the light blue waters to a dark deep thundery sea blue, a signal that his wolf had come forward.


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