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Love You Enough to Leave You Chapter 329

Chapter 329 Talking It Out

Over in the study, Kate’s beautiful eyes burned with anger. “Derrick, you and Crystal were arranged to be married since both of you were young. Both of our families have agreed to such an arrangement, and you’ve never said otherwise. You can’t just marry someone else now, especially someone who is in no regard better than Crystal. Do you know what this means for the two families?”

Derrick looked at her face intently. After all these years, age had not left a single trace on her face. With a heavy sigh, Derrick responded, “Mom, you know I said my piece of mind a long time ago. I told you that I didn’t want to marry her from the very beginning. I even said I would give up the right to inherit everything in the family, so why do you and Dad insist on me marrying her? Do I mean anything to both of you? Is money more important than my happiness?”

Hearing that, Kate turned grim. “How could you say that, Derrick? This is so hurtful. You know I did everything for you. Our family is extended and huge. There are so many family members who are vying for the inheritance. I don’t understand why you’re giving away everything that’s meant for you. I will never allow you to do something this stupid. Everything in the family is rightfully yours, so you’d better come home, inherit the family business, and do what you’re supposed to do instead of wasting your time and effort on that shabby publishing company of yours. End things with that girl. She’ll only drag you down.”

Derrick was dismayed at his mother’s words.

When Kate realized how her words had disturbed him, she softened her tone. “Derrick, I don’t mind you having some fun around before you get married. I believe Crystal will understand too. She might even turn a blind eye to your behavior after you guys get married, but she still has to be your wife. I have other ways of making Tiffany leave even if you insist on continuing this relationship. Don’t forget the whole Clinton family is looking for that friend of hers.”

Derrick’s heart smoldered with rage. He hated his mother’s entitled behavior to the core. To her, everything—including relationships—were nothing but tools.

“You should get going, Mom, since you’re still unwell. I’ll ask the chauffeur to send you to the airport. Dad must be worried if he knows you came all on your own.”

Kate, however, stood up and moved closer to Derrick. “Are you hurrying me off, Derrick?” she asked, her eyes curved into a smile.

Derrick looked her in the eye. “No way. I’m just concerned about your health. You should be resting at home. Imagine what Dad will feel with you coming here unattended.”

All the while, Derrick had always respected Kate. Yet, their relationship had never progressed beyond pure respect, simply because he never felt it was possible to draw closer to someone like her.

Meanwhile, Kate felt exasperated. Derrick was her only son. Now that he refused to budge, she felt she was losing control over his life.

Hence, she swept her silky hair on her shoulder and put up a pitiful look. “Derrick, are you going to just dismiss what I said and continue dating her?”

The man was caught in a difficult spot. He did not want to vex his mother. After all, she was still weak, and Derrick did not want to agitate her. People always said that God was fair, and Derrick could not agree more. Kate had the beauty all women coveted, but she did not have health. She looked perfect, but no one knew she had always struggled with enduring headaches. It would happen about every half a year. Her sickness was unpredictable, and she had combated it for dozens of years. Every time her sickness recurred, she would be in great pain. That was why Derrick would try his best not to provoke her.

“Mom, you know I’ve always listened to you, but I love Tiffany. She’s the only person I will marry. If you’re set on objecting to our relationship, I will give up everything I have from the family, including my right of inheritance. Everything you’ve been planning will go to ashes if that happens.”

This was the best Derrick could do, but Kate was not satisfied.

“Is this a threat?” Kate blinked her eyes.

“I’m just stating the truth, Mom. I’m not threatening you. I’ve just started dating Tiffany, and I don’t want you to become a drag on our relationship. I hope you’d understand.”

After some thought, Kate rolled her eyes around and decided to drop the matter. She knew that this was not the best time to act. If she were to chase Tiffany out right now, then she would be in for an ordeal. After all, Derrick was fixated on this relationship, and it would only make her the bad person if she came in between. What was more, Derrick might even revolt and walk out of the house, and this would be too much of a loss for her. Therefore, she decided to just watch and wait for now. She would be constantly on the lookout. When the timing was right, she would exploit every crack in their relationship and drive a wedge between them.

Kate relented after some deliberation. “Fine. Both of you can go ahead if that’s what you want, but she’ll have to meet our family’s standards, else a breakup will be the only option for both of you. Then you’ll have to marry Crystal.”

“You have nothing to worry about, Mom. I’m sure Granddad will be fond of her. They have a lot in common—especially their temper.”

Kate rolled her eyes and pursed her lips. “I don’t care if your granddad likes her or not. She will have to learn the etiquettes if she wants to step into the family. Also, Amelia is Oscar’s ex-wife. The Clintons have already spread words around asking people to keep an eye out for her, so she can’t stay here anymore. I don’t want her to be the reason for contention between the two families. You have no say over this matter because it concerns the whole family. Our family might be huge, but the Clinton family is no mean character either. You’ll have to concede on this, or I’ll inform them right away.”

When Derrick heard that, he pondered in silence.

“Derrick?” Kate called him again since he did not reply. She thought he was going to take Amelia’s side, but to her surprise, Derrick was sensible.

“I’ll sort this out, Mom. You don’t have anything to worry about,” he said after some thought.

Kate wanted to add on, but before she uttered a word, she figured she should just let Derrick settle this on his own.

“Mom, I hope you’ll at least try to get to know Tiff. Both of you are my two favorite people in the world,” Derrick said earnestly.

“I’m sorry, Derrick, but as I said, Crystal is the only suitable candidate for you in my heart. This means I will never like Tiffany. I don’t mind you dating her, but you’ll have to marry Crystal. I’ll never agree to you marrying Tiffany.” With that said, she turned and left.

Behind her, Derrick fell into a profound silence as if he was contemplating something.

Kate left right after. Just as her arrival was abrupt, her departure was a quick one too. She bid Derrick farewell and had the driver send her to the airport after that.

Tiffany and Amelia stood outside the hall, watching her car pull off. “Let go inside,” Derrick told them.

Tiffany sighed when the car was finally out of sight. “She’s not satisfied with me, is she?”

Derrick caressed her cheek and flashed her a smile. “Don’t fret about it. She just needs some time to come around. It’s just a matter of time before she accepts you as my girlfriend.”

Forcing a smile on her face, Tiffany uttered, “I don’t think so, though. She has already chosen a wife for you. I bet she’s annoyed I came out of nowhere and messed up her plan. She must hate me to her bones.”

Derrick took a glance at Amelia and just smiled without saying a word.

Luckily, Amelia was quick to catch on. “Tiff, why don’t you and Derrick spend some time together? I’ll go check on Tony.”

“I’ll bring you upstairs,” said Tiffany.

Amelia nodded, and they went upstairs. “Tiff, do talk things out with Derrick. Don’t forget to ask him about Crystal, and see if she’s really his fiancé. You don’t want to be the other woman,” Amelia reminded her after they reached the room.

“I will.”

After Amelia went into the nursery, Tiffany went back to Derrick and suggested talking outside.

Hence, they went out into the garden for a breath of fresh air. “Derrick, who is Crystal to you? I’m your girlfriend now, so I don’t want to be blindsided about anything. I don’t want to be the last person to know about my boyfriend being engaged to someone else—that’s if you are,” Tiffany asked as they walked across the lawn.

Derrick stopped upon hearing her. He then turned her around to face him and looked at her searchingly. “Tiff,” he said in all solemnity, “she’s not related to me in any way.”

Derrick then told her about his relationship with Crystal. Both their families had established ties since their great-grandparents’ generation. Their great-grandfathers were old friends who stuck to each other through thick and thin. This friendly relationship continued after they passed on. There were even arranged marriages between the families during Derrick’s grandfather’s generation. Derrick’s grand-uncle married one of the Halliwells, so they were considered relatives. Not long after Kate gave birth to Derrick, Crystal’s mom gave birth to her. When Kate brought him to visit the Halliwell family, Derrick, who was still a boy back then, held onto baby Crystal’s hand and said he wanted to marry her. Their parents were overjoyed when they saw this. That was how they ended up setting their marriage in stone. The two families had always seen both of them as promised to each other, but after they grew up, Derrick felt no attraction toward Crystal.

He did not see her as a woman. On the contrary, Crystal grew fond of him as years passed. She had harbored unrequited feelings for him over almost thirty years, and it was hard for him to cut all ties with her. Derrick knew Crystal was just not the girl he wanted to marry. All this while, it was Crystal who refused to let him go.

“Tiff, I want you to know that I’ve never ever given her the idea that there was the slightest possibility between us. Trust me when I say there’s nothing going on between us. You’re the one I love, and I want to marry you one day,” Derrick reiterated after telling her everything.

Upon that, Tiffany’s heart was a mess. To be precise, she was jealous. What happened between Derrick and Crystal was way more dramatic than what went into her novels. Both of them were like childhood sweethearts. They had known each other for almost thirty years, and nothing could beat such a lasting relationship. Besides, Crystal was an attractive woman. Tiffany found it unbelievable that Derrick felt nothing for her at all.

“I see, so you guys have known each other since young, and everyone thought both of you were meant to be. I think it’s a pretty straightforward arrangement, though. Why do you still want to start a relationship with a girl you met halfway through your life when you have someone as good as her? Besides, she’s been with you since the very beginning.” Tiffany had no idea how sour she sounded right then.

A bright smile curved on Derrick’s lips when he heard jealousy seeping through her words. Tiffany rolled her eyes seeing that he was making fun of her.

Derrick immediately pulled her into his arms and chuckled deeply.

Still smiling, he rested his chin on Tiffany’s shoulder and asked, “Are you jealous?”

Tiffany snuggled in his arms and sighed. “I’m not. I just feel like your love life has been going smoothly all this while. Why do you want to change course? You know your mother doesn’t like me. I don’t even know what I should do to make her come around.”

It pained Derrick to see her dispirited. “Don’t worry about it, Tiff. What matters here is my feelings for you. My mother will give in in the end. She might look as if she’s calculative and scheming, and you might think she’s difficult to deal with, but she loves me more than you know. She will cave in the end.”


Tiffany could only wish.

Frankly speaking, Tiffany had her reservation before they started dating. She was apprehensive at first, but since she had already made up her mind to enter into this relationship, she would not give up just so easily. She had expected Kate’s reaction, but when Kate actually showed up and expressed her disgruntlement, Tiffany still felt upset. While it was true that dating only involved two sides, marriage was a matter of two families. If they were to get married one day, she would want their marriage to last for life.

Tiffany shook her head, trying to shake off the negative emotions. She felt they should talk about something else. “By the way, I talked to Amelia just now, and we thought we should probably move. We’ve stayed here long enough, and we don’t want to bother you anymore. Kurt has already found us a house. It’s true that I’m your girlfriend, but we’re not married yet. At the end of the day, I’m still not the rightful owner of this house, so don’t try to change my mind. I don’t want to be caged here like a pet forever. I know you’ll say that whatever you have is mine, but we’re still not legally married yet, so I think it’s better to err on the safe side for now.”

Derrick was at a loss for words. Tiffany had said it all.

She stole a look at him and continued, “Derrick, I want our relationship to be honest and clear-cut. I cherish this relationship. That is why I refuse to let money become a point of contention between us. I won’t be this calculating after we get married.”

Derrick saw the resolution in her eyes. He had no choice but to agree. “Alright. I promise to let you move out, but you’ll have to let me send you to your new place. I need to make sure you’re somewhere safe.”

Tiffany smiled faintly, nodding. “Okay. Now that you’re in Beshya, feel free to come over to my place.”

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, Derrick touched her nose lovingly. “Ah… What should I do with you, huh? I had never allowed anyone to boss me around—not until I met you. How dare you break this unbending rule?”

“Do you regret dating me now? It’s still not too late, you know. We’re not married yet.” Tiffany giggled.

“I don’t regret anything. You’re stuck with me forever now.”

At that point, Tiffany was in a phenomenal mood. She smiled widely, giving herself over to the full enjoyment of this blissful moment.

Love You Enough to Leave You Chapter 329

Love You Enough to Leave You Chapter 329

Chapter 329 Talking It Out Over in the study, Kate's beautiful eyes burned with anger. “Derrick, you and Crystal were arranged to be married since both of you were young. Both of our families have agreed to such an arrangement, and you've never said otherwise. You can't just marry someone else now, especially someone who is in no regard better than Crystal. Do you know what this means for the two families?” Derrick looked at her face intently. After all these years, age had not left a single trace on her face. With a heavy sigh, Derrick responded, “Mom, you know I said my piece of mind a long time ago. I told you that I didn't want to marry her from the very beginning. I even said I would give up the right to inherit everything in the family, so why do you and Dad insist on me marrying her? Do I mean anything to both of you? Is money more important than my happiness?” Hearing that, Kate turned grim. “How could you say that, Derrick? This is so hurtful. You know I did everything for you. Our family is extended and huge. There are so many family members who are vying for the inheritance. I don't understand why you're giving away everything that's meant for you. I will never allow you to do something this stupid. Everything in the family is rightfully yours, so you'd better come home, inherit the family business, and do what you're supposed to do instead of wasting your time and effort on that shabby publishing company of yours. End things with that girl. She'll only drag you down.” Derrick was dismayed at his mother's words. When Kate realized how her words had disturbed him, she softened her tone. “Derrick, I don't mind you having some fun around before you get married. I believe Crystal will understand too. She might even turn a blind eye to your behavior after you guys get married, but she still has to be your wife. I have other ways of making Tiffany leave even if you insist on continuing this relationship. Don't forget the whole Clinton family is looking for that friend of hers.” Derrick's heart smoldered with rage. He hated his mother's entitled behavior to the core. To her, everything—including relationships—were nothing but tools. “You should get going, Mom, since you're still unwell. I'll ask the chauffeur to send you to the airport. Dad must be worried if he knows you came all on your own.” Kate, however, stood up and moved closer to Derrick. “Are you hurrying me off, Derrick?” she asked, her eyes curved into a smile. Derrick looked her in the eye. “No way. I'm just concerned about your health. You should be resting at home. Imagine what Dad will feel with you coming here unattended.” All the while, Derrick had always respected Kate. Yet, their relationship had never progressed beyond pure respect, simply because he never felt it was possible to draw closer to someone like her. Meanwhile, Kate felt exasperated. Derrick was her only son. Now that he refused to budge, she felt she was losing control over his life. Hence, she swept her silky hair on her shoulder and put up a pitiful look. “Derrick, are you going to just dismiss what I said and continue dating her?” The man was caught in a difficult spot. He did not want to vex his mother. After all, she was still weak, and Derrick did not want to agitate her. People always said that God was fair, and Derrick could not agree more. Kate had the beauty all women coveted, but she did not have health. She looked perfect, but no one knew she had always struggled with enduring headaches. It would happen about every half a year. Her sickness was unpredictable, and she had combated it for dozens of years. Every time her sickness recurred, she would be in great pain. That was why Derrick would try his best not to provoke her. “Mom, you know I've always listened to you, but I love Tiffany. She's the only person I will marry. If you're set on objecting to our relationship, I will give up everything I have from the family, including my right of inheritance. Everything you've been planning will go to ashes if that happens.” This was the best Derrick could do, but Kate was not satisfied. “Is this a threat?” Kate blinked her eyes. “I'm just stating the truth, Mom. I'm not threatening you. I've just started dating Tiffany, and I don't want you to become a drag on our relationship. I hope you'd understand.” After some thought, Kate rolled her eyes around and decided to drop the matter. She knew that this was not the best time to act. If she were to chase Tiffany out right now, then she would be in for an ordeal. After all, Derrick was fixated on this relationship, and it would only make her the bad person if she came in between. What was more, Derrick might even revolt and walk out of the house, and this would be too much of a loss for her. Therefore, she decided to just watch and wait for now. She would be constantly on the lookout. When the timing was right, she would exploit every crack in their relationship and drive a wedge between them. Kate relented after some deliberation. “Fine. Both of you can go ahead if that's what you want, but she'll have to meet our family's standards, else a breakup will be the only option for both of you. Then you'll have to marry Crystal.” “You have nothing to worry about, Mom. I'm sure Granddad will be fond of her. They have a lot in common—especially their temper.” Kate rolled her eyes and pursed her lips. “I don't care if your granddad likes her or not. She will have to learn the etiquettes if she wants to step into the family. Also, Amelia is Oscar's ex-wife. The Clintons have already spread words around asking people to keep an eye out for her, so she can't stay here anymore. I don't want her to be the reason for contention between the two families. You have no say over this matter because it concerns the whole family. Our family might be huge, but the Clinton family is no mean character either. You'll have to concede on this, or I'll inform them right away.” When Derrick heard that, he pondered in silence. “Derrick?” Kate called him again since he did not reply. She thought he was going to take Amelia's side, but to her surprise, Derrick was sensible. “I'll sort this out, Mom. You don't have anything to worry about,” he said after some thought. Kate wanted to add on, but before she uttered a word, she figured she should just let Derrick settle this on his own. “Mom, I hope you'll at least try to get to know Tiff. Both of you are my two favorite people in the world,” Derrick said earnestly. “I'm sorry, Derrick, but as I said, Crystal is the only suitable candidate for you in my heart. This means I will never like Tiffany. I don't mind you dating her, but you'll have to marry Crystal. I'll never agree to you marrying Tiffany.” With that said, she turned and left. Behind her, Derrick fell into a profound silence as if he was contemplating something. Kate left right after. Just as her arrival was abrupt, her departure was a quick one too. She bid Derrick farewell and had the driver send her to the airport after that. Tiffany and Amelia stood outside the hall, watching her car pull off. “Let go inside,” Derrick told them. Tiffany sighed when the car was finally out of sight. “She's not satisfied with me, is she?” Derrick caressed her cheek and flashed her a smile. “Don't fret about it. She just needs some time to come around. It's just a matter of time before she accepts you as my girlfriend.” Forcing a smile on her face, Tiffany uttered, “I don't think so, though. She has already chosen a wife for you. I bet she's annoyed I came out of nowhere and messed up her plan. She must hate me to her bones.” Derrick took a glance at Amelia and just smiled without saying a word. Luckily, Amelia was quick to catch on. “Tiff, why don't you and Derrick spend some time together? I'll go check on Tony.” “I'll bring you upstairs,” said Tiffany. Amelia nodded, and they went upstairs. “Tiff, do talk things out with Derrick. Don't forget to ask him about Crystal, and see if she's really his fiancé. You don't want to be the other woman,” Amelia reminded her after they reached the room. “I will.” After Amelia went into the nursery, Tiffany went back to Derrick and suggested talking outside. Hence, they went out into the garden for a breath of fresh air. “Derrick, who is Crystal to you? I'm your girlfriend now, so I don't want to be blindsided about anything. I don't want to be the last person to know about my boyfriend being engaged to someone else—that's if you are,” Tiffany asked as they walked across the lawn. Derrick stopped upon hearing her. He then turned her around to face him and looked at her searchingly. “Tiff,” he said in all solemnity, “she's not related to me in any way.” Derrick then told her about his relationship with Crystal. Both their families had established ties since their great-grandparents' generation. Their great-grandfathers were old friends who stuck to each other through thick and thin. This friendly relationship continued after they passed on. There were even arranged marriages between the families during Derrick's grandfather's generation. Derrick's grand-uncle married one of the Halliwells, so they were considered relatives. Not long after Kate gave birth to Derrick, Crystal's mom gave birth to her. When Kate brought him to visit the Halliwell family, Derrick, who was still a boy back then, held onto baby Crystal's hand and said he wanted to marry her. Their parents were overjoyed when they saw this. That was how they ended up setting their marriage in stone. The two families had always seen both of them as promised to each other, but after they grew up, Derrick felt no attraction toward Crystal. He did not see her as a woman. On the contrary, Crystal grew fond of him as years passed. She had harbored unrequited feelings for him over almost thirty years, and it was hard for him to cut all ties with her. Derrick knew Crystal was just not the girl he wanted to marry. All this while, it was Crystal who refused to let him go. “Tiff, I want you to know that I've never ever given her the idea that there was the slightest possibility between us. Trust me when I say there's nothing going on between us. You're the one I love, and I want to marry you one day,” Derrick reiterated after telling her everything. Upon that, Tiffany's heart was a mess. To be precise, she was jealous. What happened between Derrick and Crystal was way more dramatic than what went into her novels. Both of them were like childhood sweethearts. They had known each other for almost thirty years, and nothing could beat such a lasting relationship. Besides, Crystal was an attractive woman. Tiffany found it unbelievable that Derrick felt nothing for her at all. “I see, so you guys have known each other since young, and everyone thought both of you were meant to be. I think it's a pretty straightforward arrangement, though. Why do you still want to start a relationship with a girl you met halfway through your life when you have someone as good as her? Besides, she's been with you since the very beginning.” Tiffany had no idea how sour she sounded right then. A bright smile curved on Derrick's lips when he heard jealousy seeping through her words. Tiffany rolled her eyes seeing that he was making fun of her. Derrick immediately pulled her into his arms and chuckled deeply. Still smiling, he rested his chin on Tiffany's shoulder and asked, “Are you jealous?” Tiffany snuggled in his arms and sighed. “I'm not. I just feel like your love life has been going smoothly all this while. Why do you want to change course? You know your mother doesn't like me. I don't even know what I should do to make her come around.” It pained Derrick to see her dispirited. “Don't worry about it, Tiff. What matters here is my feelings for you. My mother will give in in the end. She might look as if she's calculative and scheming, and you might think she's difficult to deal with, but she loves me more than you know. She will cave in the end.” Hopefully. Tiffany could only wish. Frankly speaking, Tiffany had her reservation before they started dating. She was apprehensive at first, but since she had already made up her mind to enter into this relationship, she would not give up just so easily. She had expected Kate's reaction, but when Kate actually showed up and expressed her disgruntlement, Tiffany still felt upset. While it was true that dating only involved two sides, marriage was a matter of two families. If they were to get married one day, she would want their marriage to last for life. Tiffany shook her head, trying to shake off the negative emotions. She felt they should talk about something else. “By the way, I talked to Amelia just now, and we thought we should probably move. We've stayed here long enough, and we don't want to bother you anymore. Kurt has already found us a house. It's true that I'm your girlfriend, but we're not married yet. At the end of the day, I'm still not the rightful owner of this house, so don't try to change my mind. I don't want to be caged here like a pet forever. I know you'll say that whatever you have is mine, but we're still not legally married yet, so I think it's better to err on the safe side for now.” Derrick was at a loss for words. Tiffany had said it all. She stole a look at him and continued, “Derrick, I want our relationship to be honest and clear-cut. I cherish this relationship. That is why I refuse to let money become a point of contention between us. I won't be this calculating after we get married.” Derrick saw the resolution in her eyes. He had no choice but to agree. “Alright. I promise to let you move out, but you'll have to let me send you to your new place. I need to make sure you're somewhere safe.” Tiffany smiled faintly, nodding. “Okay. Now that you're in Beshya, feel free to come over to my place.” Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, Derrick touched her nose lovingly. “Ah... What should I do with you, huh? I had never allowed anyone to boss me around—not until I met you. How dare you break this unbending rule?” “Do you regret dating me now? It's still not too late, you know. We're not married yet.” Tiffany giggled. “I don't regret anything. You're stuck with me forever now.” At that point, Tiffany was in a phenomenal mood. She smiled widely, giving herself over to the full enjoyment of this blissful moment.


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