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Love You Enough to Leave You Chapter 274

Chapter 274 A Love Too Deep

“Water… Water…” Amelia muttered in a hoarse voice after waking up as her throat felt really dry.

Oscar quickly handed her a glass of water, only to see her staring blankly at him in confusion.

“I thought you were thirsty,” Oscar said gently while looking at her affectionately.

Amelia’s lips twitched slightly as she drank the water obediently.

“What are you doing here?” she asked while staring at Oscar when her throat was feeling a little better.

The look in Oscar’s eyes changed for a split second, but he was quick to hide it. He gently caressed her hair as he said, “How can a husband not visit his wife when she’s in the hospital?”

Hearing that made Amelia feel conflicted instantly.

Please don’t be so nice to me, Oscar… The nicer you are to me, the harder it will be for me to leave you… It’ll make me feel stupid about everything I’ve done!

Oscar felt his heart throb when he saw her go silent.

“I’m sorry, Amelia. Will you please stop torturing me like this? You’re the only woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. I really love you, Amelia. I promise I won’t look at any other women in the future, so please stop saying you want to divorce me. It really hurts my heart…” he said, placing her hand on his chest.

Amelia was so moved that she was about to say yes, only to be snapped out of it when her vision went black all of a sudden.

She quickly pulled her hand back and tried to appear calm as she replied, “I’m tired, Oscar. Can you please leave for now?”

Oscar stared deeply at her with a hint of pain in his eyes.

“Honey, you’re still—”

“Please leave, Oscar! I’m really tired!” Amelia raised her voice in her state of panic.

Oscar is way too smart! I need to get rid of him fast or he’ll notice for sure!

“Do you really hate to see me that much?”

Amelia closed her eyes and turned her body to the other side of the bed. “Just leave, Oscar. You promised you’d give me some personal space for a few days. You’re not going back on your promise, are you?” she voiced while fighting her tears back.

Instead of leaving, Oscar simply stood there and stared at her in silence.

“Oscar? Oscar?” Amelia tried calling out to him when she didn’t hear anything after a while.

Oscar didn’t respond and continued observing her without making a sound.

Thinking he had left, Amelia couldn’t help feeling disappointed as tears flowed down her cheeks.

Not being able to see made the silent hospital ward feel terrifyingly empty, and she began sobbing softly out of helplessness.

The sound of her crying tugged at Oscar’s heartstrings. Unable to hold himself back any longer, he stepped forward and carefully pulled her into his embrace. “Why are you crying?”

Amelia was so shocked that she instinctively struggled with all of her might.

“Stop struggling! Let me hug you!” Oscar pleaded.

Amelia stopped struggling after that and leaned obediently against his chest. With her heart filled with sadness and her vision shrouded in darkness, she only had his shoulder to lean on at that time.

“I’m sorry, Honey. You can punish me in any way you like, just don’t bring up divorce so easily. It hurts me really badly whenever I hear it. Let’s make up. I’ll accept any and all of your punishments for the rest of my life,” Oscar said submissively.

Amelia closed her eyes and forcefully suppressed her tears.

By the time she opened her eyes again, the look of sadness on her face had vanished. “Can you let go of me first?” she asked calmly.

Oscar froze and stared at her in disbelief.

She’s being so cold to me that it almost feels like we’re complete strangers! I don’t understand… She claimed to love me so much a few days ago… How did she change so drastically in such a short period of time? Did me having sex with Cassie hurt her that much? Well, now that I think about it… If our roles were switched, I would probably get so mad that I would want to kill the guy. Regardless, my love for her would never allow me to divorce her! But even if I chose to forgive her in the end, it would still haunt me for the rest of my life.

Amelia broke free from his embrace when he was distracted and lay back in bed. “Leave, Oscar. Go now or I’ll get myself discharged from the hospital,” she said firmly.

Oscar stared at her for a while but gave in to her request eventually.

“All right, I’ll go. I’ll come see you tomorrow.”

Amelia deliberately put on a cold look as she rejected him, “Don’t bother. I need some time alone.”

Oscar slowly clenched his fists. After a while, he said, “Okay, sure. I’ll be on my way now.”

This time, he actually left the ward.

Tiffany and Kurt waited until he was gone before entering the ward. “Why do you have to be like this, Amelia?” Tiffany asked when she saw her lying on the bed.

“You promised you’d help me, Tiff,” Amelia said indifferently.

Tiffany scratched her head in frustration. “Amelia, you—”

“If you truly are on my side, then don’t invite Oscar to come over without my consent. I know you’re doing this for my own good, but I’m the only one who knows my condition best. I don’t want to become a burden to him in the future.”

“My bad, I’m sorry.”

“I’m not blaming you or anything, Tiff. I’m just a little tired. I’m going to take a nap,” Amelia replied and closed her eyes.

“All right, you sleep well now. Kurt and I will watch over you.”

It didn’t take long before Amelia fell asleep.

A doctor came in to take her temperature about ten minutes later. “Ms. Winters, Dr. Leonard would like to see you in her office,” he told Tiffany.

Tiffany nodded and waited until the doctor left before whispering to Kurt, “Stay here and watch over her for me. I need to head over to Dr. Leonard’s office for a bit.”

Kurt nodded.

Tiffany then left the ward and made her way toward Maria’s office.

She knocked on the door and waited until she heard a response before entering. “Dr. Leonard?” Tiffany called out to her as she closed the door behind her.

“Please have a seat, Ms. Winters.”

Tiffany sat down and got straight to the point. “You can just call me Tiffany. Did you summon me to discuss Amelia’s condition?”

Maria nodded. “The doctors have discussed this and agreed that now isn’t a good time to surgically remove the blood clot. It’s too close to a lot of her nerves, so the risks are simply too high. The slightest mistake could result in death, so I suggest we stick to conservative management for the time being.”

Tiffany tensed up and asked anxiously, “But, Dr. Leonard… This wasn’t what you told me two days ago, so why are you—”

Maria let out a deep sigh and replied with a stern look on her face, “Calm down, Tiffany. Ms. Winters’ condition is a lot worse than we imagined. This high fever of hers is actually caused by the blood clot in her brain. Please be prepared as it may reoccur many times in the days to come. Also, she runs the risk of entering a comatose state if the blood clot isn’t removed in time.”

Tiffany was really starting to panic at that point.

“Dr. Leonard, you have to treat her with the best doctors and equipment you have available! Money isn’t an issue for us! I know we aren’t filthy rich, but we can afford to pay up to millions if needed. If local doctors aren’t capable of treating her, then hire some from overseas!”

“You may feel free to seek treatment in Anglandur if you don’t have faith in this hospital, Tiffany. They have the best doctors and medical technology in the world, so they may be able to save Ms. Winters,” Maria replied after giving it some thought.

Tiffany took a moment to regain her composure. “I’ll have to discuss this with her, Dr. Leonard.”


Amelia had already woken up and regained her vision by the time Tiffany returned to her ward.

She looked at Kurt and said, “Kurt, will you please step outside for a moment? I need to have a word with Amelia.”

Kurt walked right out the door without asking any questions.

Tiffany knelt down beside Amelia’s bed and held her hand as she said seriously, “Babe, listen to me very carefully. Your condition is a lot worse than we expected. I think you should tell Oscar the truth. With their wealth and resources, I’m sure they’ll be able to find you the best doctors.”

Amelia’s expression grew cold immediately as she shook her head.

“Babe, you really need to stop being so stubborn. If you don’t get treated soon, not only will you lose your sense of sight, but also your life! Even if you don’t care about your life, you should still care about Tony! Do you really want him to lose his mom at such a young age?”

Amelia lowered her gaze and kept quiet.

“What the hell are you thinking, Amelia? Is your so-called ego more important than your eyesight and your life?” Tiffany shouted anxiously.

Unfortunately, Amelia was as stubborn as an ox. She refused to change her mind. “That’s enough, Tiff. If you tell Oscar about me going blind, then we will no longer be friends.”

Tiffany got so mad that her arms were trembling like crazy. “You—”

“I’ve been tolerant with pretty much everything life threw at me all these years, but this is something I must insist on. Just let me have it my way this once, Tiff.”

“But your condition…”

Amelia had already made plans for the worst-case scenario. “I’ll be fine with you and Tony by my side. If anything happens to me, then it probably is fated to happen anyway. If I die, I want you to send Tony back to the Clintons and tell them I got sick and tired of raising him. They can think of me as a heartless woman for all I care.”

Tiffany took a deep breath and asked with reddened eyes, “Are you sure you don’t want to tell the Clintons the truth?”

Amelia shook her head and replied calmly, “You know me, Tiff. I wouldn’t have done all this if I wanted to tell them the truth. I know about my blood clot better than you, and I have considered the possibility of me dying from it. However, death doesn’t scare me as much as Oscar having to see me undergo surgery. He said he never wanted to see me on the operating table again, and I love him too much to let him suffer because of me. That’s why I’m going to make this decision for him instead.”

Tiffany stared wide-eyed at her in shock.

I thought she was only doing this because of her ego, but she actually thought so much about it! Still, her decision is based solely on what she thinks is the best way to protect Oscar. She never considered if this was what Oscar would want.

“Is it really worth going this far, Amelia?” she asked bitterly.

Amelia flashed her a faint smile. “I love him, so everything is worth it. He might call me an idiot when he found out eventually, but I can’t help it. I just love him so much that I would rather die than be a burden to him.”

Tiffany fell silent after hearing that.

Such a deep and profound form of love was something she could not comprehend any time soon.

Love You Enough to Leave You Chapter 274

Love You Enough to Leave You Chapter 274

Chapter 274 A Love Too Deep “Water... Water...” Amelia muttered in a hoarse voice after waking up as her throat felt really dry. Oscar quickly handed her a glass of water, only to see her staring blankly at him in confusion. “I thought you were thirsty,” Oscar said gently while looking at her affectionately. Amelia's lips twitched slightly as she drank the water obediently. “What are you doing here?” she asked while staring at Oscar when her throat was feeling a little better. The look in Oscar's eyes changed for a split second, but he was quick to hide it. He gently caressed her hair as he said, “How can a husband not visit his wife when she's in the hospital?” Hearing that made Amelia feel conflicted instantly. Please don't be so nice to me, Oscar... The nicer you are to me, the harder it will be for me to leave you... It'll make me feel stupid about everything I've done! Oscar felt his heart throb when he saw her go silent. “I'm sorry, Amelia. Will you please stop torturing me like this? You're the only woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. I really love you, Amelia. I promise I won't look at any other women in the future, so please stop saying you want to divorce me. It really hurts my heart...” he said, placing her hand on his chest. Amelia was so moved that she was about to say yes, only to be snapped out of it when her vision went black all of a sudden. She quickly pulled her hand back and tried to appear calm as she replied, “I'm tired, Oscar. Can you please leave for now?” Oscar stared deeply at her with a hint of pain in his eyes. “Honey, you're still—” “Please leave, Oscar! I'm really tired!” Amelia raised her voice in her state of panic. Oscar is way too smart! I need to get rid of him fast or he'll notice for sure! “Do you really hate to see me that much?” Amelia closed her eyes and turned her body to the other side of the bed. “Just leave, Oscar. You promised you'd give me some personal space for a few days. You're not going back on your promise, are you?” she voiced while fighting her tears back. Instead of leaving, Oscar simply stood there and stared at her in silence. “Oscar? Oscar?” Amelia tried calling out to him when she didn't hear anything after a while. Oscar didn't respond and continued observing her without making a sound. Thinking he had left, Amelia couldn't help feeling disappointed as tears flowed down her cheeks. Not being able to see made the silent hospital ward feel terrifyingly empty, and she began sobbing softly out of helplessness. The sound of her crying tugged at Oscar's heartstrings. Unable to hold himself back any longer, he stepped forward and carefully pulled her into his embrace. “Why are you crying?” Amelia was so shocked that she instinctively struggled with all of her might. “Stop struggling! Let me hug you!” Oscar pleaded. Amelia stopped struggling after that and leaned obediently against his chest. With her heart filled with sadness and her vision shrouded in darkness, she only had his shoulder to lean on at that time. “I'm sorry, Honey. You can punish me in any way you like, just don't bring up divorce so easily. It hurts me really badly whenever I hear it. Let's make up. I'll accept any and all of your punishments for the rest of my life,” Oscar said submissively. Amelia closed her eyes and forcefully suppressed her tears. By the time she opened her eyes again, the look of sadness on her face had vanished. “Can you let go of me first?” she asked calmly. Oscar froze and stared at her in disbelief. She's being so cold to me that it almost feels like we're complete strangers! I don't understand... She claimed to love me so much a few days ago... How did she change so drastically in such a short period of time? Did me having sex with Cassie hurt her that much? Well, now that I think about it... If our roles were switched, I would probably get so mad that I would want to kill the guy. Regardless, my love for her would never allow me to divorce her! But even if I chose to forgive her in the end, it would still haunt me for the rest of my life. Amelia broke free from his embrace when he was distracted and lay back in bed. “Leave, Oscar. Go now or I'll get myself discharged from the hospital,” she said firmly. Oscar stared at her for a while but gave in to her request eventually. “All right, I'll go. I'll come see you tomorrow.” Amelia deliberately put on a cold look as she rejected him, “Don't bother. I need some time alone.” Oscar slowly clenched his fists. After a while, he said, “Okay, sure. I'll be on my way now.” This time, he actually left the ward. Tiffany and Kurt waited until he was gone before entering the ward. “Why do you have to be like this, Amelia?” Tiffany asked when she saw her lying on the bed. “You promised you'd help me, Tiff,” Amelia said indifferently. Tiffany scratched her head in frustration. “Amelia, you—” “If you truly are on my side, then don't invite Oscar to come over without my consent. I know you're doing this for my own good, but I'm the only one who knows my condition best. I don't want to become a burden to him in the future.” “My bad, I'm sorry.” “I'm not blaming you or anything, Tiff. I'm just a little tired. I'm going to take a nap,” Amelia replied and closed her eyes. “All right, you sleep well now. Kurt and I will watch over you.” It didn't take long before Amelia fell asleep. A doctor came in to take her temperature about ten minutes later. “Ms. Winters, Dr. Leonard would like to see you in her office,” he told Tiffany. Tiffany nodded and waited until the doctor left before whispering to Kurt, “Stay here and watch over her for me. I need to head over to Dr. Leonard's office for a bit.” Kurt nodded. Tiffany then left the ward and made her way toward Maria's office. She knocked on the door and waited until she heard a response before entering. “Dr. Leonard?” Tiffany called out to her as she closed the door behind her. “Please have a seat, Ms. Winters.” Tiffany sat down and got straight to the point. “You can just call me Tiffany. Did you summon me to discuss Amelia's condition?” Maria nodded. “The doctors have discussed this and agreed that now isn't a good time to surgically remove the blood clot. It's too close to a lot of her nerves, so the risks are simply too high. The slightest mistake could result in death, so I suggest we stick to conservative management for the time being.” Tiffany tensed up and asked anxiously, “But, Dr. Leonard... This wasn't what you told me two days ago, so why are you—” Maria let out a deep sigh and replied with a stern look on her face, “Calm down, Tiffany. Ms. Winters' condition is a lot worse than we imagined. This high fever of hers is actually caused by the blood clot in her brain. Please be prepared as it may reoccur many times in the days to come. Also, she runs the risk of entering a comatose state if the blood clot isn't removed in time.” Tiffany was really starting to panic at that point. “Dr. Leonard, you have to treat her with the best doctors and equipment you have available! Money isn't an issue for us! I know we aren't filthy rich, but we can afford to pay up to millions if needed. If local doctors aren't capable of treating her, then hire some from overseas!” “You may feel free to seek treatment in Anglandur if you don't have faith in this hospital, Tiffany. They have the best doctors and medical technology in the world, so they may be able to save Ms. Winters,” Maria replied after giving it some thought. Tiffany took a moment to regain her composure. “I'll have to discuss this with her, Dr. Leonard.” “Sure.” Amelia had already woken up and regained her vision by the time Tiffany returned to her ward. She looked at Kurt and said, “Kurt, will you please step outside for a moment? I need to have a word with Amelia.” Kurt walked right out the door without asking any questions. Tiffany knelt down beside Amelia's bed and held her hand as she said seriously, “Babe, listen to me very carefully. Your condition is a lot worse than we expected. I think you should tell Oscar the truth. With their wealth and resources, I'm sure they'll be able to find you the best doctors.” Amelia's expression grew cold immediately as she shook her head. “Babe, you really need to stop being so stubborn. If you don't get treated soon, not only will you lose your sense of sight, but also your life! Even if you don't care about your life, you should still care about Tony! Do you really want him to lose his mom at such a young age?” Amelia lowered her gaze and kept quiet. “What the hell are you thinking, Amelia? Is your so-called ego more important than your eyesight and your life?” Tiffany shouted anxiously. Unfortunately, Amelia was as stubborn as an ox. She refused to change her mind. “That's enough, Tiff. If you tell Oscar about me going blind, then we will no longer be friends.” Tiffany got so mad that her arms were trembling like crazy. “You—” “I've been tolerant with pretty much everything life threw at me all these years, but this is something I must insist on. Just let me have it my way this once, Tiff.” “But your condition...” Amelia had already made plans for the worst-case scenario. “I'll be fine with you and Tony by my side. If anything happens to me, then it probably is fated to happen anyway. If I die, I want you to send Tony back to the Clintons and tell them I got sick and tired of raising him. They can think of me as a heartless woman for all I care.” Tiffany took a deep breath and asked with reddened eyes, “Are you sure you don't want to tell the Clintons the truth?” Amelia shook her head and replied calmly, “You know me, Tiff. I wouldn't have done all this if I wanted to tell them the truth. I know about my blood clot better than you, and I have considered the possibility of me dying from it. However, death doesn't scare me as much as Oscar having to see me undergo surgery. He said he never wanted to see me on the operating table again, and I love him too much to let him suffer because of me. That's why I'm going to make this decision for him instead.” Tiffany stared wide-eyed at her in shock. I thought she was only doing this because of her ego, but she actually thought so much about it! Still, her decision is based solely on what she thinks is the best way to protect Oscar. She never considered if this was what Oscar would want. “Is it really worth going this far, Amelia?” she asked bitterly. Amelia flashed her a faint smile. “I love him, so everything is worth it. He might call me an idiot when he found out eventually, but I can't help it. I just love him so much that I would rather die than be a burden to him.” Tiffany fell silent after hearing that. Such a deep and profound form of love was something she could not comprehend any time soon.


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